Monday 10 December 2018


Drawing of a Stegosaurus in the Natural History Museum. I couldn't fit the original into my book, hence the disembodied feet and head floating above the body of the original (top). So I've made an edit of the original drawing to put things back where they should be (bottom). On the original exhibit, the tail curved round the body and was thus hidden from my point of view – a shame as an extended tail would have made for a more dynamic drawing.

As I was working on this, a young American woman approached me and asked if she could take a photograph (of my sketchbook and thankfully not of me), explaining that her husband/boyfriend had worked on constructing the fossil and that he would be pleased to see someone making a sketch of it.

TWSBI Diamond 580 with Platinum Carbon Ink in A4 Stillman and Birn Alpha Series sketchbook.

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