Saturday 3 November 2018

red and black heads

TWSBI Diamond 580 with Platinum Carbon ink and watercolours in A4 Stillman and Birn Alpha Series sketchbook.

1 comment:

Dave Shelton said...

You say you ought to be able to do spreads like this consistently, but part of the reason you don't is that you try different stuff, so you make some mistakes when you're on less familiar ground. And sometimes you just have a bad day. I also turn out drawings some days that I can't believe how badly they turn out. I imagine that by now I shouldn't be capable of anything so ropy. But it turns out I am, even sometimes when I'm playing to my strengths. But if I look through my sketchbooks over the years I can see that the general trend is upwards.

You're doing the best work you've ever done, lately, I think, and the ratio of marginal duffness to inky goodness is definitely falling. You are on the up.