Tuesday 28 October 2014


I've hesitated to upload this until now as I'm thoroughly dissatisfied with the colouring (the page on the right is particularly troublesome), the larger bits of typography bother me no end, and I failed to clearly articulate my thoughts in the accompanying blah-blah-blah.

What I was trying to illustrate was the fact that I seem to be constantly coughing and sneezing these days. Colds – of which I seem to have more than my fair share – are occasionally to blame, but allergies are the main source of my discomfort. Pollen, dust (dust mite droppings technically) and certain red wines all reduce me to a runny-eyed, itchy-skinned, wheezing mess and I feel as though an elephant, hippopotamus and rhinoceros have decided to park themselves on my chest.

In a relatively recent development, I find that laughter can also trigger an attack. One minute I'm cackling with merriment, the next crawling around on the floor and sounding like a bronchial 90-year old chain smoker with the lung capacity of a small rodent...

TWSBI Diamond 580 with Platinum Carbon ink and watercolours, in A4 Stillman and Birn Alpha Series sketchbook.

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