Monday 29 July 2013


I was really happy with the drawing I made of me with a swollen ankle (see here), so thought I'd try a similar approach and try to capture the rather sorry figure I cut the other weekend, after a particularly heavy drinking session. I say 'particularly heavy', but these days, a pint of mild and a couple of gin fizzes can have the most disastrous effects on a person.

Anyway, I made a good stab at the body but the face caused me all sorts of problems and I had to draw about a hundred versions of it before I was anything like happy with it. Which I'm not, but you have to stop sometime and admit defeat. Capturing a beautiful visage like mine in a few deft lines is no mean feat, I can tell you.

The image at the top is the original double spread from my sketchbook, whilst the one below is a digitally assembled composite made from two drawings.

TWSBI Diamond 580 with Platinum Carbon ink and watercolours, in A4 Daler Rowney 150gsm sketchbook.

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